Internal Medicine
Hypertension is the term used to describe high blood pressure, which is usually shortened to HT, HTN or HPN. This means the high pressure in the arteries, vessels that carry blood from the heart to all tissues and organs of the body.
Normal BP is below 120/80 and the readings in between 120/80 and 139/89 is called pre-hypertension. Generally blood Pressure of 140/90 and above is considered high and treated as hypertension. Many factors affect your blood pressure, including the amount of water and salt in your body, levels of hormones, size and condition of the arteries and the condition of kidneys and nervous system.
Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) is a chronic health disorder in which the body either doesn’t produce enough or doesn’t respond to the insulin produced by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone which converts glucose into energy and as a result of diabetes, the glucose get accumulated in the blood, leading into complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and blindness.
Though many types of diabetes are identified, the principle types include Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes results from body’s failure to produce insulin and Type 2 results as a result of cells failing to accept the insulin to use the insulin produced within the body. Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women who have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy.
Arthritis is a condition that describes pain, stiffness and inflammation in one or more joints or muscles of the body. Different forms of arthritis are identified and the most common form is known as the osteoarthritis, which happens as a result of pain to the joint, age or infection of the joint.
Though there is no cure for arthritis, many techniques are available to manage the condition, which includes physiotherapy, medication and exercise.
GERD, also known as Gastro Esophageal reflux disease, gastric reflux disease or acid reflux disease, is a digestive disorder which affects the muscle connecting the esophagus with the stomach causing stomach’s contents to back up into the esophagus.
The backwash of the stomach contents into the esophagus occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter is very weak or when it inappropriately relaxes causing heartburn, which is a burning sensation in throat or chest. Gastro Esophageal reflux disease is an extremely common condition while up to ten percent of all adults complain of daily symptoms.
Heart Failure
Heart failure, also referred as Congestive Heart Failure does not mean that the organ has failed to function. This refers to a structural or functional disease of the heart which impairs the ability of the organ to supply sufficient blood to the body to meet its needs.
Though this develops slowly, heart disease is chronic and long term condition which gradually results in heart failure.
Common causes of heart failure include forms of ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy and hypertension.
Heart Disease
Heart disease includes a range of illnesses that affect the efficiency and normal functioning of the heart.
Heart acts as the muscular pump in the chest that pumps blood with oxygen and nutrients to the whole body tissues and organs. Ultimately this results in disrupting the pumping action of heart, resulting in vital organs like brain and kidneys to suffer. The whole body itself is depending on the operation of the heart and seizure of the organ would result in death within minutes.
Cholesterol, which is commonly referred to as high blood cholesterol is a major health problem in many countries. High levels of cholesterol in your blood lead to the disease, which is partly determined by the genetic factor and the amount of cholesterol in your diet.
The condition is related to the vital human organ heart, and has been identified as one of the four major risks for coronary heart disease. Therefore it is very important to monitor the blood cholesterol level every five years over the age of 20.